How To Care Foot Effectively In A Fitness Programme

Feet play the most important part in your walking regimen. If they are not cared for, they are not likely to cooperate with you and your fitness programme will end even before it has begun. Most of us are very careless towards foot-health. We often tend to neglect the feet till they really begin to hurt.

When you begin your walking schedule remember to checkout the following aspects.

Blisters- blisters are caused when there is friction against the skin. Friction can be due to the friction between the ground and the foot( if not wearing any foot wear), and between the shoes and the feet. The shoes must fit properly when worn with the socks. Socks act as cushions, especially those made of cotton-acrylic. The socks should be clean and worn dry, on dry feet. Small blisters must be covered with sterile gauze pad. In case of a bid blister, puncture it with a sterile needle and clean with antiseptic. Never peal off the skin over a blister.

Calluses & corns- These do not hurt, however, hard and big ones can be painful under pressure. Rubbing corns with pumice stone after a bath helps. A doctor can cut or file the area. Applying body lotion can soften the area around a callus. Proper fitting shoes, corrected with pad or inserts can avoid callus and make running pleasure.

Bunions- Bunions are painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe and these are usually hereditary. During walking or running they can get worse and very painful. Small swelling are generally overcome by wearing shoes that are wide in the front and with adequate cushioning. Surgery is recommended only if the bunion becomes painful.

Nails- Nails of the foot should be kept short and at no time should push against the front of the shoe. Nails rubbing against the shoe while running can be painful, the rubbing first occurs with the big toe. Care must be taken to cut the nails across so that they do not become ingrown.

Athlete's Foot- It is a fungal growth on the feet. These occur when hygiene is lax and proper care is not taken of the feet. Shoes should be such that the foot is able to breathe. The shoes should be aired and kept in the sun if possible. Wear shoes dry and spray with anti-fungal powder if the foot is affected. The area between the toes is most prone. In case of persistent b\problem consult a dermatologist.

Cramps- They are common problems. simple cramps come and go easily. To avoid cramps, a little workout is necessary before any exercise. Massaging the feet after a workout helps to ease the muscles and prevent stiffness. If there is redness, swelling and pain, it is best to consult a doctor.

The bad news is that if your feet hurt, you're not going to enjoy your walk. The good news is that some common foot problems are fairly easy to treat and easier still to avoid.

Here's How to get rid of the small irritants :-

  • To avoid blisters, stop then before they start.
  • Keep your feet dry.
  • Wear socks made with fibers that draw moisture away from your skin. Or slip on a sock liner under your cotton socks.
  • Rub petroleum jelly on you feet and between your toes before gearing up. This will reduce irritation that can lead to blisters.
  • And finally, don't lace your shoes too tightly or too loosely. The pinching and rubbing may cause blister- forming irritation.


  • Pounding usually causes aching arches when you walk. The first thing you need to do is check your form. Are you landing on your heel and pushing off with your toes? If the problem persists, arch supports might help; if that doesn't work, consult a sports doctor.
  • Corns and calluses are painful, and the more you ignore them, the worse they get. Check your shoes to make sure you have got a comfortable fit. And toss thin socks: You need to have a nice cushion between your feet and inside your shoes.
  • Blackened toenails are common and painful, and are caused when your big toe hits the front of your shoe. Keep your toenails neatly trimmed and filled. Check your shoe size and wear double socks on the smaller foot if the shoe is too loose. Most people have one foot that's larger than the other. Always buy your walking shoes for larger foot.

Here are two tension-relieving foot stretches that feel great ( remove your shoes and socks before starting):

  • Stand up straight, with your shoulders relaxed down. Hold your abdominal firm to support your back and keep your lower back has a natural curve but not too overarched). Your feet should be hip width apart. Place your hands on your waist. Slightly bend your knees. Shift your weight back onto your heels and lift your toes off the ground. Flex the front of your feet. Spread your toes as wide as you can. Hold the stretch for the count of five and don't forget to breathe. This will feel terrific before you head out and later when you return home.
  • Find a comfortable chair and practice picking up magic markers with your toes. Give your toes a nice press, grip the marker, lift your foot five to six inches off the ground and then set it down. Do this exercise six times, alternating your feet.


Unlike other sports, the only essential equipment you need to get started on a walking is a comfortable pair of athletic walking shoes and some well-cushioned socks.

Some things to keep in mind when shopping for shoes

  1. When you walk, your heel is the point of first contact with the tract or pavement, so you should have one quarter inch to one-half inch of cushioning under your shoe's heel. The cushioning protects and stabilizes your heels. It also reduces shock to your ankle and knee joints.
  2. Make sure your shoe's sole is supportive and flexible. You need a toe bod( the front part of the shoe) that's wide enough so it won't hinder your toe push-off or pinch your toes. You'll also need a firm mid-sole to support your arches.
  3. go for a practice lap around the store. Ask yourself: is there enough room for you to wiggle your toes? do the shoe's against your heels? are the shoes comfortable even when wearing a thick pair of socks?
  4. Don't buy shoes that need to be "broken in" your walking shoes should fit comfortably when you leave the store.
  5. The best time for shoe shopping is during the late evening because your foot has expand as much as it needs to, during the day. You couldn't make a bigger mistake than shopping in the morning when foot is at its smallest size.


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