
Importance of a balanced diet in being fit

Why do some people look more than their age while others manage to present a youthful picture till they are quite old? Infact, I know a lot many people who don't  look half their age. Does if have anything to do with their diet? Of-course, it has everything to do with the diet factor. A person who is young but fat and obese definitely presents an ungainly sight whereas a middle aged but rim person looks efficient and youthful. Youthful looks don't come with an exercise regimen, alone. Unless an exercise regimen is combined with wise and smart eating, it is of little or no benefit. Obesity= more input and less output, whereas fit body= less input and more output (Input  =calories consumed Output  =calories expended) This is a simple formula but makes a lot of sense. Whenever the number of calories consumed by a person is more than the calories expended by him, the extra calories will add up on his body in the form of fat. The only way to get rid of the fat is to begi

Natural Ways To Overcome Greying Of Hair

One of the first sign of aging is the appearance of the grey hair. It is something most people dread and fear. They adopt various ways and means to keep themselves looking young through hair-dyes. Although in the earlier generations the appearance of grey hair was in the age group of forties, today it can be seen in much younger people. Often boys and girls as young as 25 have grey hair. Up till now, most people accepted greying as an inevitable part of the aging process. One can either live with it or cover it with hair dyes. But now some experts are suggesting that certain changes in lifestyle can actually prevent premature greying and delay the entire process. The greying of hair is knows as palitya in Ayurveda. each hair has a root, a stem or a thickness, from person to person. What is strange is that it is rounded in normal straight hair while curly hair has an oval or flattened section. The different color of the hair is caused by pigment scattered in varying amounts through

A to Z of Facial Exercises for Anti-Aging and Fitness

Are you tired of  wrinkles and an aging face? The panacea lies in doing certain exercises for the face. facial exercises can be effective in keeping you looking young since they prevent the slacking of facial muscles. Benefits of Facial Exercises Never mind how good you skin care might be, there will be a time in your life when all your facial muscles simply go slack, lax, saggy, baggy and creepy. Facial exercises are economical-they do not take great effort or too much time, and pay handsome dividends in achieving a more smooth, with less wrinkles, lines and bags, resulting in a skin that is glowing with health and vitality. An ageing face has lines, wrinkles, folds and bags which are nothing but the supportive muscles in your face going soft- losing their firmness, and not supporting the skin any more. Facial exercises can help with this problem by creating the facelift your might need, with a non-surgical procedure. Who can do these exercises? Facial exercises are

How to Keep Skin Young and Healthy

Everyone want to look young, show me a man or a woman who doesn't want to look younger than his or her age and I will show yo a liar or a saint. If the cosmetic industry is a billion dollar one, globally, it is only because of the fact that we all want to look good. Looking good is essentially a human trait. It do not really know whether the animals also indulge in the pursuit of good looks, but one never knows. There was a time when only women bothered about their looks and skin but with changing time it is common to find men going to parlors for a facial treatment and taking as much care of their skin as their female counterpart. It is a good thing, too. Caring about the skin does not make a man less manly, in fact the smooth skin can only add to his charm and personality. Looking good gives confidence and a sense of enhanced self-esteem, which is essential in today's world. In a world so full of consumerist attitude, good looks are a part and parcel of a personal

Simple Posture Improvement Exercises

Correcting Bad Posture Perfect posture is ideally one whereby an individual is able to adopt a position of easy balance. It should require the minimum of effort to maintain but provide maximum mobility and function. good posture is one that is proactive. It allows the body to function at its best by working with external forces when possible, and anticipating and meeting individual needs for strength, stabilization and flexibility. The skeletal system was designed to take the stresses and strains of gravity; the muscular system is not. Bad, or reactive, posture allows the body to give in to external forces, thereby compromising function and potentially predisposing the individual to physical problems. Developing proactive postural habits should be considered as the foundation to building a fit body that functions effectively. Posture Correction Requires From an Individual the Ability: To be aware of their own posture as well as others To differentiate between muscular tensi

The Alexander Technique For Posture Improvement

Round about the turn of the century, a young Australian actor called Fredrick Alexander lost his voice, but only when he was on stage doing his one-man Shakespeare recitals. Doctors couldn't find anything the matter and conventional therapies didn't help. Alexander realized he must be doing something wrong, so he rigged up three mirrors to study himself rehearsing. He saw that when he lifted his head heroically as he recited, he tipped it back, constructing his larynx and incidentally crushing his spinal discs. Yet he could have sworn he'd just been holding his head high. Once he realized how out of touch people are with what they are actually doing with their bodies. Alexander spent the rest of his life working on his technique. What exactly did Alexander Discover? Basically, he discovered that all of us, when making efforts to do even the simplest things, physical or mental, impose on ourselves harmful tensions that restrict our performance. We are all in the h

A to Z of Postures In Your Fitness

There is nothing more ageing that wrong posture. A person with youthful stance looks young and energetic whereas a person ( even if he is young) with a stoop, hunch of sloping shoulders presents an ageing look. This is not the only reason why a person would pay attention to his posture. Ninety percent people, by the time they are 35, complain of backaches and the most common cause of a backache is usually a bad posture. With the growing number of slipped disc cases, spinal and back problems, it becomes doubly important to ensure that good posture becomes a part of one's life. What is Posture? Dictionary defines postures as the position of a person's body and the way a person sits or stands. It is judged to be good, normal or bad by the position of the head, chest, trunk, pelvis, knees and feet. Postures can be guide to the way people feel. If they are tired, their posture may be poorer than usual. Posture can also reflect mental attitude. Changes in posture may affe