How To Plan A Blanced Exercise Regimen

To achieve complete fitness you should yourself a varied exercise programme, combining three distinct elements.

Firstly, to stimulate your circulatory and respiratory systems and increase their capacity, you need a form of aerobic exercise. this can be tailored to your fitness level, and should be practiced for about 25 minutes every other day- longer if you choose a gentle type of exercise like walking.

Secondly, you need some form of daily stretching and loosening exercise. An thirdly, you should choose a regular relaxation technique to refresh and restore you.

for instance, your three-point programme could include aerobic walking for stimulating your circulatory and respiratory systems, Surya Namakar for stretching and loosening your muscles and Shavasana as a relaxation technique.

Exercise plan

Before You Begin A Regimen Ensure

There are some facts that one must know before one begins any kind of exercise regimen. the process of warming up, stretching, loosening of the muscles and finally the cooling down after the exercises is a very important. Failing to observe these rules can actually land you in deep trouble and muscle injury.

Warm-up And Cool down

Before you begin bicycling, walking or running, whether indoors or outside, do some deep massage of your whole knee area. That means above and below, front and back of the knee. Then some deep massage your lover back and ankle areas. Begin your workout slowly. Use good posture and technique. As your body warms up, let your pace rise with it. When it seems that you are ready to really pick up your pace, stop and do some stretching. Then get back to the pace you had just before you stopped.

The process of cooling down after the workout is equally important. When you finish your workout, it is the best time for a relaxing set of stretches. Lie down on  a padded floor mat and put you legs up against a wall for a few minutes, taking this time to relax and recoup.

Do some gentle stretching on a padded floor mat and if you have the time, a few minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike will help flush the garbage out of your muscles. The basics of warming-up and cooling-down are lifelong rules that will keep you from undue muscle strain. Remember that the heart is a muscle too and that is protected by this warm-up and cool down rules.


Stretching helps lengthen the working areas of the muscle, allowing for greater work capacity. So as long as your flexibility is balanced and you are stretching intelligently, the more flexible you are the better.  The same goes with strength. so long as you have developed strength over a long period of time and have strength in all areas of your body, you can't be too strong. Stretching should be a lifelong habit rather than just something you do in conjunction with a workout.

There are specific stretches for specific activities. Stretching in one muscle has an effect on the muscles around it. So, put some though into how and why you are stretching. Stretching as it relates to lifestyle will help us retain and increase our range of motion, making us more capable of doing many activities throughout our lives.

Loosening Up Exercise

These exercises are very necessary before undertaking the exercises or sport activity, which demand a lot of stress and endurance for prolonged periods.

Head Circling-Stand erect with both feet comfortably apart. Place hands on the hips, pull down chin and look down, circle or rotate the head in one direction 10 times, and then again 10 times in the opposite direction.

Arm Circling- Stand erect with legs comfortably apart and hands on both sides. Raise the hands from the front upwards, and bring them down to the sides again from the rear without bending the elbows. do this 10 times in one direction and then in the other direction.

Trunk Twisting-Stand erect with legs comfortably apart and hands at the side. Turn from the trunk upwards to the left and then to the right without lifting the feet off the ground. repeat the whole exercise 10 times each side.

Knee clasping- Stand erect with legs comfortably apart and hands to the side. Lift one knee bent to the chest. Clasp the knee with both hands and pull towards the chest with pressure. Repeat this 10 times with each knee.

Toe Touching- Stand erect with legs comfortably apart. Bend forward without bending the legs to touch the toes with fingers, and then return to upright position again.  Repeat this ten times.

Getting Started

Get Started

You have taken the important first step on the path of physical fitness by seeking information. The next step is to decide that you are going to be physically fit.

The decision to carry out a physical fitness programme cannot be taken lightly. It requires a lifelong commitment of time and effort. exercise must become one of those things that you do without question, like bathing and brushing the teeth. Unless you are convinced of the benefits of fitness and the risks of unfitness, you will not succeed. Patience is essential. Don't try to do too much too soon and don't quit before you have a chance to experience the rewards of improved fitness. You can't regain in a few days or weeks what you have lost in years of sedentary living, but you can get it back if you persevere. And the prize is worth the price.

In the following part of the post you will find the basic information you need to begin and maintain a personal physical fitness programme. These guidelines are intended for the average healthy adult. It tells you what your goals should be and how often, how long and how hard you must exercise to achieve them. It also includes  information that will make yor workouts easier, safer and more satisfying.

Know the basics

Physical fitness is most easily understood by examining its components, or 'parts' . There is widespread agreement that these four components are basic.

Cardio-respiratory Endurance- the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove waste, over sustained periods of time. Long runs ans swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component.

Muscular Strength- the ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time. Upper-body strength, for example, can be measured by various weight-lifting exercises.

Muscular Endurance- the ability of a muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain repeated contractions or to continue applying force against a fixed object. Push-ups are often used to test endurance of arm and shoulder muscles.

Flexibility- the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. The sit- and - reach test is a good measure of flexibility of the lower back and backs of the upper legs. Body composition is the often considered a component of fitness. It refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass(muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness, and the right types of exercise will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.

The Workout Schedule

How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of exercises you do should be determined by what you are trying to accomplish. Your goals, your present fitness level, age, health, skills, interest and convenience are among the factors you should consider. For example, an athlete training for high-level competition would follow a different program than a person whose goals are good health and the ability to meet work and recreational needs.

Your exercise programme should include something from each of the four basic fitness components described above. each workout should begin with a warm-up and with cool-down. As a general rule, space your workouts through the week and avoid consecutive days of hard exercise. Here are the mounts of activity necessary for the average, healthy person to maintain a minimum level of overall fitness. Included are some of the popular exercises for each category.

Warm-up-5-10 times of exercises such as walking, slow jogging, knee, lift, arm circles or trunk rotations. Low intensity movements that stimulate movements to be used in the activity can also be included in the warm up.

Muscular strength- a minimum of two 20- minutes sessions per week that include exercises for the entire major muscle groups.

Muscular endurance-at least three 30 minute sessions each week that include exercises such as calisthenics, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and weight training for all the major muscle groups.

Cardio respiratory endurance- Carry out at least thee 20-minute bouts of continuous aerobic( activity requiring oxygen) rhythmic exercise each week, Popular aerobic conditioning activities include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, rope jumping, rowing, cross-country skiing, and some continuous action games like racquetball and handball.

Flexibility-10-12 minutes of daily stretching exercises performed slowly without a bouncing motion. This can be included after a warm-up or during a cool-down.

Cool-down- a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes of slow walking, low-level exercise, combined with

Controlling Your Weight

The key to weight control is keeping energy intake and energy output in balance. When you consume only as many calories as your body needs, your weight will usually remain constant. If you take in more calories than your body needs, you will put on excess fat. If you expend more energy than you take in you will burn excess fat. Exercise plays an important role in weight control by increasing energy output, calling on stored calories for extra fuel. Recent studies show that nor only does exercise increase metabolism during a workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for a period of time after exercising, allowing you to burn more calories.

How much exercise is needed to make a difference in your weight depends on the amount and type of activity, and on how much you eat. Aerobic exercise burns body fat. A medium-sized adult would have to walk more than 30 miles to burn 3500 calories, the equivalent of one pound of fat. although that may seem like a lot, you don't have to walk the 30 miles all at once.

Walking a mile a day for 30 days will achieve the same result, providing you don't increase your food intake to negate the effects of walking. If you consume 100 calories a day more than your body needs you will gain approximately 10 pounds in year. You could take that weight off, or keep it off, by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. The combination of exercise and diet offers the most flexible and effective approach to weight control.

Since muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue, and exercise develops muscle to a certain degree, your bathroom scale won't necessarily tell you whether or not you are "fat"
 Well-muscled individuals with relatively little body fat, invariably are "overweight" according to standard weight charts. If you are doing a regular programme of strength training, your muscle will increase in weight, and possibly your overall weight will increase. Body composition is a better indicator of your condition than body weight.

Lack of physical activity causes muscles to get soft, and if food intake is not decreases, added body weight almost always ft. Once active people, who continue to eat as they always have after setting into sedentary lifestyles, tend to suffer from " creeping obesity".


All exercise should be loose-fitting to permit freedom of movement and should make the wearer feel comfortable and self-assured. As a general rule, you should make the wear lighter clothes than temperatures might indicate. Exercise generates great amounts of body heat. Light-color clothing that reflects the sun's rays is cooler in the summer, and dark clothes are summer in winter. When the whether is very cold, it's better to wear several layers of light clothing than one or two heavy layers. The extra types help trap heat, and it's easy to shed one of them if you become too warm.

In cold weather, and in hot, sunny weather, it's a good idea to wear something on you head. Never wear rubberized or plastic clothing. Such garments interfere with evaporation of perspiration and can cause body temperature to rise to dangerous levels.

The most important item of equipment for the runner is a pair of sturdy, properly fitting running shoes. Training shoes with heavy, cushioned soles and arch supports are preferable to flimsy sneakers and light racing flats.

When To Exercise

Most people prefer the morning hours for exercises. The hour just before the evening meal is also a popular time for exercise. The late afternoon workout provides a welcome change of pace at the end of the workday and helps dissolve the day's worries and tensions. Another popular time to work out is early morning, before the workday begins. advocates of the early start say it makes them more alert and energetic on the job.

Among the factors you should consider in developing your workout schedule are personal preference and weather. It's important to schedule your workouts for a time when there is little chance that you will have to cancel or interrupt them because of the other demands on your time. You should not exercise strenuously during extreme hot, humid weather, or within two hours after eating. Hear and/or digestion both make heavy demands on the circulatory system, and in combination with exercise can be an overtaxing double load.

Which exercise?

This is one of the commonest dilemmas faced by people today. Since there are hundreds of kinds of exercises one doesn't know which one would suit the best or work out for some one. Different magazines, books, television programs advocate different kinds of workouts. It have myself tired out dozens of things till I realized that each individual has his own body requirements based on his weight, lifestyle, health factors and food habits. What works for A need not work for B. In fact, it can some times be quite hazardous to try out some vigorous exercise if one is not very fit.

As one grows older, one has to take into consideration things like muscle injury, and risk factors of a heavy exercise regimen. The tendons and ligaments of an ageing body require sensitive handling so one must avoid rigorous exercising regimens. Even if one were to adopt these regimens, the progress has to be gradual and carful.

some of the excellent exercise routines I discovered were the traditional kind, which were based on scientific wisdom and knowledge. These have their base on holistic handling of the fitness, which covers mind, body and soul. Weather it is the yoga, Tibetan rites of youth or Makko-ho, they combine an effective end result and with easy performance and no risk involvement.

These exercise can be performed by persons of any age right from a child to the elderly. They are very effective in keeping the body fir and elevate the performer to a heightened spiritual level. I would recommend these exercises over any other kind, any day.

Apart from these exercise, I personally swear by the efficacy of walking. It is one of the simplest and pleasurable exercises ever discovered.


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